Sandy Writes Books

Sandy is an author with several publications to his name. He mainly takes after his grandfather, a writer of some note for his historical documenting of families and life in a small town in Maine from its earliest periods of growth. Henry C. Waters Sr., was also well known for his lectures on horticulture and the medicinal uses of common garden and wild plants. He traveled extensively presenting to garden clubs up and down the entire east coast of the United States. He was also a contributor to the Essex Institute as a historian.

Henry C. Waters Junior was Sandy's father. He was a survivor of being captured at the infamous Battle of the Bulge, also known as the Ardennes Offensive, was the last major German offensive campaign on the Western Front during World War II and he was captured in December of 1944. In May for the following year he and a few others escaped and were recaptured by the Russian allies and placed in another POW camp until liberated at the end of June. He returned stateside, finished his college and began working at General Electric in the management training program. He had a career selling power station generators and transmission equipment in Central and South America in the 1950s and 1960s. 

Sandy helped his grandfather with his lectures and the research behind the scenes into the story of plants and their influence upon the practice of modern medicine. Sandy's grandfather was also an avid photographer and his works can be found in various places in the historical books, and gracing the pages of several local publications. Upon his passing, Sandy inherited his writings, pictures, recordings, and narratives of his lectures for archiving and publication.

If you read Amazon Kindle books, or like to buy hardcopies, Sandy has several that might interest you in areas of sales performance improvement, business accelerators, humor, historic descriptions of New England towns from his grandfather's notes and printings, and a wide range of science fiction stories. Sandy enjoys writing future visions attempting to highlight the issues of today as they roll forward into the future, and the potential solutions that might be crafted. 

His most popular business book is titled "Sales - What a Concept!" and contains the condensed wisdom of how to improve sales performance by increasing the awareness of the senior management team to how the processes of sales work and how they can be improved as a collaborative effort. It is a process oriented compilation of advice, methods, questionnaires, and a workbook for senior management to examine the need for improvements to sales processes. 

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More Books In The Collection 

Go to and search for books by Henry C. (Sandy) Waters III to find all of the most current collection of titles which include:

An Innovation Acceleration Journey:  The Story of HubBog - A Business Acceleration Campus for Startups (Innovation Journeys Book 1)

Come along for the ride on a journey to explore one of the most effective business accelerators in the Americas, HubBog, based in Bogota Colombia, is the leading provider of services for startups. Learn their methods and why they are so effective at what they do to produce a success survival rate exceeding 90% consistantly, and with minimal investments in exchange for equity positions. 

The book will appeal to anyone who wants to know more about the methods used to make HubBog successful. It is written for an entrepreneurial audience. 

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Mainerisms*: Confessions of a Non-resident - Tales from Maine (Summer Memories Series Book 1) 

The humor of the great state of Maine is legendary, but it is best exemplified through a series of stories told through the eyes of non-resident summer resident beginning with youthful tales that will either bring tears to your eyes from empathy, or from uncontrollable laughter reading the escapades of your truly, Sandy Waters, the author. 

There are some tall tales, some Earthy ones, and some that will tickle your fancy as perhaps as never before. If you are looking for reading that will put you to sleep quickly, and provide calming dreams, then this is your book. 

Either way, the stories will encourage you to visit the great state if for no other reason to witness the humor of the people who live there. 

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Sandy's Science Fiction Corner

Being a former practicing scientist and world technology observer of the latest and greatest of scientific advancements, Sandy brings his prior knowledge and expertise to bear to produce stories mainly grounded in future events ranging from benevolent robots, to space adventures and close encounters, and including some short stories describing medical breakthroughs, and changes to society for the betterment of all humanity, such that humanity can ultimately choose to survive, or not, through the choices it makes that impact activities now and in the future. 

It is not hard to imagine the challenges of the future, but the author describes a multitude of solutions for solving the ills of the past, to prepare us for brighter futures. Not all pathways are somber and dark, although many might be, but there is hope that more useful and productive pathways can be selected if the people understand well enough the situations and where they lead. 

Creativity, collaboration, and attention to the scientists of the world, will help us get from science fiction to science fact, as it constantly does. 

The first installment of the series is "Who Will Speak for the Robots?". 

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Sandy's Science Fiction Corner 

The second book in the series is the story "One Upmanship in Time," a tale where that which we create, in spite of our best efforts, does not save humanity from itself although the next creation of humanity, robots, could, and would try mightily to help us over the most difficult periods in our human history, the future problems that will arise and present even more daunting challenges than anything that occurred in our past. 

Follow how the robots deal with their benefactors to make a better world for them, in spite of their being animosity towards them and their capabilities. 

Read how the robots themselves take control over their destiny by becoming responsible for their own evolution and advancement, relieving their human counterparts from such responsibilities. 

But ultimately, and even with empathy, emotional sentience, and superior knowledge, the robots were not able to save humanity. 

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Sandy's Science Fiction Corner

What would happen if visitors from another part of universe brought us information indicating that our planet was doomed to extinction, and they would help us save the planet, but at what cost?

Imagine the issues confronting those of the Earth, to first learn that there were other life forms, and that they were able and willing to help us with our problem. How receptive would the people of Earth be towards our benefactors? What were they really interested in?

The solution to the problem would be so radical, that few humans on Earth could contemplate the magnitude of the problem, let alone convince governments, entire countries, who had their petty and sometimes monumental issues with each other. And if the alien assistance could be made to solve our global problems, with workable solutions, what would be the reasons we would not trust them or take them up on their offer of assistance.

Follow the story of a retired scientist, who helps put in perspective the issues and how to approach them, together with a small team of people who believed in the solutions offered by the alien race. Would they succeed? 

Read "Tales from my Universe" to find the answers to those questions. 

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Sandy's Science Fiction Corner

A trio of science and science fiction short stories covering the concept of a reality and perspectives related to its interpretation. The first short story, "My Reality versus Yours," asked questions about human reality as opposed to what robots might be perceiving that might, or might not, be comparable to the human version of reality.

The second short story, "Free Thinking - What Lies Ahead" is a subject paper containing the sort of wide-ranging free-wheeling discussions that occur between two free thinkers on a back porch on a starry night, where it can stray pretty far afield in its coverage of many topics including current theories that get routinely kicked around when like-minded individuals get together. Watch them chew on some of the most perplexing problems facing humanity at the moment.

The third in the series of short stories, "Written Consciousness" involves conversations with a typical well versed chatbot, where the chatbot is asked a wide range of questions, and from its responses you can see how much progress has been made, and why academic institutions might be considering banning its use for the typical written assignments that students would receive. It also covers the topics of sentience, story writing of the science fiction genre, and several other topical questions where you can assess its knowledge of everyday topics.

The three stories attempt to paint various visions of possible preferred future states, where humanity needs to explore options and take action before the trajectory that we are all on becomes unalterable. The stories prove that thinking out of the box is a good thing, and can, if approached with an open mind, provide some entertainment along the way.

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Sandy's Science Fiction Corner

A set of two books of a series concerning future visioning are in the collection of science fiction written by Sandy Waters. 

The first is titled Dreaming Innovation: Future Dreams (Future Visioning), describes a scientist who dreams of innovations and solving problems during his sleep states. No problem is too large, too complex, of too difficult for him, but there is the issue of just how much time are we given. 

Both books provide the reader with some tantalizing thoughts on the nature of things shaping our future vision. 

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Sandy's Science Fiction Corner

The second book, Flights of Fancy: Future Events (Future Visioning), as the title implies, this science fiction short story charts some events of the future as to how they might unfold through the inspiration stage to the full attempts to implement the resulting breakthroughs globally, and the types of resistance that they would likely encounter.

We often take for granted the incredible innovative events, and the obstacles they sometimes need to overcome to achieve the greatest success to help humanity often when the solutions to the problems are seemingly insurmountable.

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